I. Parental Consent I, the parent or legal guardian of
a participant in
The LH Ducks Football/Cheer Camp, does hereby grant permission for his/her participation in any and all conditioning camp activities.
II. PHOTO RELEASE I give permission for photographs taken of my child/ward while
participating in the LH Ducks Football/Cheer Camp to be used in marketing/public relations
material in the promotion of the LH Ducks Football/Cheer Camp.
III. RELEASE FROM LIABILITY I agree to assume all risks and hazards incidental to
participation in a conditioning camp. I do hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify, and
agree to hold harmless, the Lake Houston Ducks Organization, directors, coaches, sponsors,
volunteers, participants, and persons transporting my child to and from any team activities,
for any claim arising out of an injury to my child.
IV. MEDICAL RELEASE Because your child is involved in an active conditioning camp,
there may be an occasion when an injury occurs that requires medical treatment and we are
unable to contact you. This situation may occur before, during or after our conditioning camp
while at our site.
If parent or legal guardian cannot be reached, call:
Please list any allergies and medical conditions that shoudl be brought to our attention. Include any medication(s) that your child uses regulary:
I hereby grant permission to the Lake Houston Ducks Organization to administer first aid, secure proper treatment, and/or hospitalize my (son, daughter, ward) in case of emergency, provided they are unable to communicate with me, and according to their best judgment.